My Speakers

Friday, March 11, 2011


i called him just now when he's outside..
i thought he's at his home area, but it wasn't..
he's outside @ City Hall, meeting his campmates, & to take my things from one of 'em..
so i asked, what time will he coming back, as he said he's otw home..
i told him, to give me a msg or a kol, once he reached home, washed his legs, & everything..
i thought he wouldn't do that..
but he just did..

with a smile on my face, i just kept quite, read his msg & knew that he could have sleep already..

so i don't want to disturb him..
another msg i received, he ask me, why am i quiet?
he thought who would otp w me at this late night, he wonders..
so i called him..
& i said, i didnt even call or talked to anyone..
im just afraid you would give me a miss call & its engage..
so i wouldn't call or pick up anyone's call..
& he "hmm"..

well, he's in pain, tired, & sleepy.. so i let him off to sleep..
so pity of him..
tomorrow, he gtgt camp early..
'coz tomorrow is his ORD day! yay!
& im so happy 4 dat.. hmm..
baby, imysm! & i cant wait 4 Sunday!
im sooo gonna hug u!!

ok diary bloggie..
im gtg..
superman wants me to sleep early..
goodnyte diary!

goodnightz bby! sweetdreamz bby!
ilysm soooooSOOOOOsoooooSOOOOOsooooo
:x flying to your dahi! :))
8 kisses!
muackz! mauckz!
:x:x:x:x! :x:x:x:x!
muackz! muackz!
:x:x:x:x! :x:x:x:x!
1123411 babistool pandifoo!
260111 always <3


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