My Speakers

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My only one


To my Dearest Hubby : SANCHI'Z TOKYO

i miss what we've done..
everything is so together..
boy how i wish we could be together like last time..
i miss the times,

we eat together..
work n play..
you sick, i take care of you..
im sick, you concern about me, eventhough you're not beside me..
i wish we could turn the time back..
im so lost with what im doing..
its so not us..
baby, its so different when you're not around..

i kept remembering when i sleep at night..
always makes me cry..
the ring that i wearing right now, keeps shining to my eyes..
how he really likes the diamond..
n i chose it from the list..
the names n dates were engraved on it..

the bear you bought for me,
im so touched..
im loving it..
but, ended up, it has to be with you..
a favour from me..
like how i used to accompany him,
i request for you to do it the same like how i do it..

when i didnt get to hug you, i hug him..
i pretend it was you..
so i noe, that you, me, never be alone..
sigh.. i wish that we could come back forever together, in reality..

so i could
wash your clothes again,
wake you up every morning..
prepare for your camp stuffs..
give you something to bite for your breakfast..
cook for ya..
massage when your leg is cramp..
calm you when you're in bad temper..
walk for you thru n fro when you cant get up..
listen to you good when listen mine..

im happy that you proud of yourself, as you change me, bring me where my home is..
you made me think of, & taught me everything..
your temper, your care, your love, your everything,
cherish you & treasure you, like how you are doing right now to me..
memories will always in my mind..
your name, will always locked isinde my heart..
n i crossed my heart, that i'll never change my love for ya..

1123411 babistool pandifoo!
260111 always..

~ SanTrish ~

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