My Speakers

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Him


im so happy that i get to talk to him..
im so relieve when i heard his voice..
it feels like im getting closer to him..

well, now, im not asleep yet!
yeash... still not..
'coz of doing some transanction..
hmm.. headache ah..
saket tau kpaler ku ni..

ok there's a good news that i just received from him yesterday night..
but its personel..
i cant wait that it will happen!

sigh.. the ring..
still always reminding of him..
every night, & every pray that i prayed,
hope for the best, that his safety come 1st..
& for the rest, of our life, hoping that we can stay true n stay together forever..
make it happen for our reality..
just win it baby..

i know we can do it..
we can go thru every steps, in everyday,
that we will find our way..
all the things, we've gone so far,
please don't let it waste..
'coz i wanna make it memory,
make it last, till no air that i can breathe..

i'll love you forever, no matter what happens..
i'll prove to you that they're wrong, with what they say about me..
just believe me, n trust..
that everything we do, must & will last..

~ SanTrishyoko ~

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